
Bison Brisket [Hunt Circle Bison Hunt]

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
08-15-2020, 08:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2020, 08:57 PM by Cairo II.)

Overall, the group was in agreement, and each took the role he’d expected they might. He, Nolan, and Domari would be taking the cow down, and Red would be stampeding the herd. He did give Aslaug a puzzled look. After all, he’d just essentially laid out how they would be hunting the bison.

Still, he reiterated easily with a smile as he led the way, moving more slowly so that he could get the explanation out before action was required. “As I said, two of you, in this case Red and I’m assuming you, will get the herd running to leave the target behind, so that no other bison double back and attack us in an attempt to drive us away from calves. They can be a bit crazy that way. I’d like you to go with Red.”

He nodded to himself, Nolan, and Domari. “Your cousin Nolan, and Domari, and myself, will bring the cow down, and if we’re having trouble, you and Red can double back once the herd’s well enough away, and help weigh her down until one of us can get the killing blow in. And then we’ll be really busy between all of us, skinning her, butchering her and the calf she’s carrying, and processing the meat. Got it?”

He gave her a bright grin, but turned to business as the herd came into sight. He trotted ahead a bit until the hobbling form of the cow they would be hunting caught his eye and he nodded to her, waiting for the others to see her before he said, “Okay! Let’s do this.”

He knew Red would keep Aslaug safe and – if he knew the man well, and he was pretty sure he did – probably throw a good lesson in on the run. He waited for them to get the herd running before he bolted forward, ears flat to his skull and legs pumping, tail flagged, flicking to the left to signal which side he’d take. He sought to veer in front of the cow from the left, aiming to bring her to a stop with snaps of his jaws at her face and nose while he waited for Nolan and Dom to get into position. Then he lunged forward and chomped down on her nose as he had in the past.

The cow bellowed, and his whole body vibrated with the noise, but he worked to brace his feet, not wanting to get thrown around like a hide in a pup’s teeth.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think