
Healer's Circle [Festival Crafting for Healers]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
08-15-2020, 10:01 PM
As the sentinel, her first duty was to the safety of the pack, and Justice had been taking that duty very seriously as she patrolled through and around the festival with only brief glances at the different trade goods set out for barter. She herself wasn't much of a crafter, or any crafter at all really, though she did look rather longingly at some sturdy pieces of armor out for trade. It seemed like more and more wolves showed up to fights wearing something to protect themselves, and she felt like she was falling further and further behind the curve because of it. It was hard to compete when you couldn't bite your opponent because they were wearing a leather breastplate, but they could shred you with impunity because you were bare-ass naked.

Still, although her primary focus had been security, she found herself gravitating towards a companionable sort of group settled around a fire. Healers. They were crafting healing related things, and from across the festival the sight had caught her eye and she'd found herself making her way there. The scents of the dried herbs steeping in the hot water, lavender, brought back bittersweet memories of sitting with her mother and showing her the herb though she wouldn't see it, telling her about it though she wouldn't hear, in the hopes of rousing her from her catatonia. Justice breathed deeply the warm steamy scent, eyes half closing, as she meandered up to the fire, before opening them again and glancing around. Each of the healers was working on something new and different, and it stirred Justice's interest. "Does anyone need a hand with anything?" she asked hopefully. "I don't know much about healing but I have an extra set of paws and I'm willing to do whatever you need me to help with." And she'd learn by doing it.