
Tackling the Bear [Justice!]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
08-15-2020, 10:52 PM
Making her patrol around the festival - she was careful to vary her routine as to where she went and when, on a daily basis - she slowly became aware of an uncomfortable feeling that made the fur on her spine prickle.

She was being followed.

After a few more twists and turns around the market stalls, she was sure of it. The feeling hadn't gone away, the nagging little bits that her senses were picking up right at the edges of her vision and ramrodding up her gut to give her the creepy crawlies. She made her way to a particular stall with polished metal "mirrors", glancing at one with her eyes only as she passed, and that confirmed it, but she nearly burst out laughing. All that and it was only one of Aurielle's pups sneaking around. The culprit might even have blended in despite the mirrors if he weren't... you know... glowing whenever he moved at all.

Knowing where the itchy crawly feeling came from eased it entirely, and she was able to continue on her patrol and ignore the boy. She still kept tabs on him, though, because if trouble came and she needed to deal with a problem she wanted to know where exactly he was at all times in relation to it. Still, when the attack came it came by surprise, for she had stopped to stare intently at what she'd thought might be an altercation but turned out to be a particularly exuberant greeting, and found herself lurching forward slightly as an unexpected weight slammed into one of her legs and leeched onto it. She lifted the leg and shook it back and forth rapidly to rattle the pup around. "Oh, no," she said in the driest tone possible, squinting at the shimmery pup as though she didn't know what it was. "I seem to have a leech."