
Care to spin a yarn?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-16-2020, 12:34 AM

Ulric nodded in understanding when Cairo mentioned how he would typically go for sick or weak animals for his hunts. Admittedly, he would normally do the same if he was just hunting for food, but given the fact that he wanted the antlers and a good hide to use for his crafting plans he had to make an exception. There was also the fact that the options he had for bucks today were two that were both in good shape. Either way he wouldn’t have been choosing a deer that was injured so it didn’t particularly phase him one way or another. There was certainly a good amount of resources they could pull from this buck though and that helped him rationalize it.

He turned to look at his cousin curiously as he explained a few things he could do with the leather and what portion of the hide might be best for the more protective areas of his would be armor. “Seems like you’re no stranger to crafting, huh? You’re just a wealth of knowledge,” he replied with a chuckle and grin. He was incredibly lucky that Cairo had crossed paths with him. At least now he would less chance of wasting the leather since he would have someone to give him the pointers he needed to do a decent job at it the first time.

His eyes widened a bit at the bear claws that were attached to Cairo’s bracers, the sight of him wiggling them as if he was about to slice and dice this dear with them making him laugh. His tail wagged behind him as he grinned and added, ”Well, would you like to get it started then? What’s the best way to go about skinning it in your opinion?” It was something that he had done before, but never with the intent of using it as anything other than a warm lining for a den. He wasn’t sure if there was one way that was better than another for armor, but if he was going to take a guess he’d assume Cairo probably knew all about that.
