
Step by step




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-16-2020, 10:31 AM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2020, 10:31 AM by Ulric.)

Ulric watched as the inquisitive young man wandered a bit closer and seemed to examine his scent as if he was confirming what he had been told. He nodded and smiled softly when Astralagus mentioned how he had smelled similar. "Exactly. You'll notice that with a lot of our family." Every family member he had ever come across had at least matched his own scent slightly - enough that he had been able to guess that they were part of his family tree. He was admittedly not that well versed on their history and couldn't recite his ancestors much farther than his great grandmother, but he did at least know know enough to be able to pick out his relatives out of a crowd. He did notice their size difference as the boy got closer to him to examine his scent even closer, but it wasn't anything new to him. It was more rare and surprising for him to find wolves that were as large as him than the opposite. He was a bear of a wolf - it was something that he was very aware of and even a bit self conscious of sometimes whenever it caused others to be nervous around him.

He blinked with surprise and smirked a little when the boy turned his head to sneeze after studying his scent for a moment. When he heard that he smelled like a lot of wolves he was honestly a bit surprised, but it did make sense. It was just a fact that he had forgotten about after so many years of pretty much living on his own with just his mother as constant company. He nodded in agreement and replied, "I recently started working with a pack near here so that's probably most of it. I've also started living with my mother and two nieces again so they're probably mixed in there as well. That happens when you live with other wolves sometimes - their scents all kind of mingle in with yours. Of course if you only live with your immediate family you probably won't notice it as much since you all smell like each other." He quite liked how many questions the younger wolf asked. It just showed that he was curious and interested in learning. There was nothing wrong with that.

That didn't mean he wasn't going to ask a few questions of his own however. "Are your parents around here?" he asked with a slight tilt of his head. He was partially just curious to see if he could piece together how they fit together in their family tree, but he also just wanted to make sure the boy had someone to look after him. Of course he looked to be old enough to start being on his own more, but Ulric still worried all the same. It was just part of his nature to make sure everyone he encountered was either able to care for themselves well enough or had someone making sure they were cared for.
