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The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-16-2020, 11:37 AM

Tamsyn felt as if she had been running a marathon with the way her heart was pounding nervously against her ribs. Her emotions and nerves made her paws fidget nervously with the grass under her toes while she waited for a response, but she didn't get one right away. She wanted Resin to say something, anything, even if it was a rejection of some kind. Instead there was just a long moment of silence. It was absolutely maddening and it sent her stomach flip flopping with anxiety. She still refused to look up to see what Resin's expression was, instead fixing her mint gaze on her paws as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. There was no chance of her being able to sort through the mixed emotions she was feeling. It was the first time she had never let herself fully feel all these emotions around Resin and they were completely overwhelming. Although, if she was being honest, any emotion other than the sadness and depression she had been living in for years still felt a bit overwhelming for her. The idea of love and happiness were things that she didn't quite understand or know how to identify so when she did feel them they felt foreign.

Her ear twitched toward Resin when she heard the larger woman get to her paws and shake out her coat. Was she not going to answer? Was she just going to walk away? Tamsyn's heart sank while her mind continued to refuse the idea that Resin might feel the same. It wasn't until she saw Resin's paws appear toward the upper portion of her field of view and she felt Resin lift her muzzle that she finally let her gaze lift to the other woman's scarred face. She looked up at Resin from where she was laying in the grass, confusion and wonder mixed in her expression while her heart continued to beat in a way that made her think it might just burst its way out of her chest. She still didn't quite comprehend what was happening until Resin's muzzle leaned down to hers. Her eyes widened with surprise and her ears folded back against her head as relief and joy washed over her, wiping out any of the anxiety she had been feeling moments before. It was the first real affection she had ever felt and it nearly short circuited her.

"I'm glad to hear it." That sentence replayed in her mind several times while she just looked up at Resin with the biggest, goofiest grin spreading across her muzzle. Her tail wagged wildly behind her as she tried to comprehend what had just happened with pure disbelief. "Really? You mean it?" she breathed even though she knew Resin wouldn't just do something like that for the hell of it. An estatic giggle left her as she scrambled to her paws and finally let herself feel all of the feelings she had been trying to suppress and hide for so long now. She was practically wiggling with happiness as she hopped up to wrap her front legs around Resin's neck and nuzzled her face into the woman's thick fur. Never in a million years would she have believed that Resin would feel the same as she did or even that she would find someone that she truly felt so strongly about. She had no idea where they would go from here, but she was exited to find out.

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