


09-01-2013, 02:16 AM
OOC Name: Dragon
How did you get here?: Lu
Age: 20

Character's Name: Byakuro
Age: 1yr
Season of birth: Winter
Size: 34"
Appearance description: yakuro is a beautiful white wolf with an uncanny glowing sheen to his pelt when the sun reflects off of him. This young boy blends easily with the snow, as it is his preferred type of weather. Blizzards are his element, his thick pelt allowing him to easily travel through them with his light composure. The only parts of him that are not a pure illuminating white are the black stockings that rise up from his feet to his elbows and knees on all four legs. The tip of his muzzle is black, and he has an almost hourglass shape running from his nose to the point between his eyes that is like a light orange color. And the tip of that orange blaze is kissed with a black angled snip on the top edge of it.

His stature is one of simplicity yet he is a form of gentleness with a good air about him. He is of medium size, standing at 34 inches tall and weighs 100 pounds. His build is not bulky or large, its more like a narrow and slim build with graceful poise. Much like an elf. His ears are slightly longer then normal and they come to a sharp point that angle just a little bit inwards. His ear tips are also painted with about half an inch of black.
Duty: Will choose by the age of 2