
Seams wear thin




5 Years

08-16-2020, 12:42 PM

As he responded with a general location he could be found at regularly, Azariah made sure to stow the information away, her thoughts quickly consumed by future run-ins with the male. He was a strong, comforting presence, and Aza wanted to bask in the warmth of his company forever. Social intricacies being what they are, she knew they would have to part soon, a thought that oddly had her heart aching. Sure, she was quick to form attachments, but this was unnaturally fast even for her. Perhaps it was the ease of his company that made her feel so comfortable or the fact that he seemed to take extra precautions when faced with her anxiety, the care he portrayed. Whatever it was, she liked it and wanted more.

His reassurance was quick and delivered with a gentle lopsided smile that she was fast coming to adore on him. The way his facial scar tucked and folded made her stare for a moment, but the look on her face was open curiosity and admiration for what others would deem a blemish. His body language said his words were true and she was thankful as the invisible fae around them chimed their agreement. She didn't have a response, only visibly relaxed as he reassured her, even giving a relieved sigh to release the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. The heart that had been so ferociously pounding in her chest began to calm and she could breathe easy knowing she wouldn't have anyone mad at her for keeping him out so late, even wolves she hadn't met.

Brief silence took over for a moment, while she recovered from the awkwardness of anxiety he spoke once more. This time his words shook her to the core. She felt her heart do little whirls, feeling as though it flopped around like a fish out of water. Her stomach quivered as though someone trapped an angry swarm of hummingbirds inside her. He wanted to stay with her a little while longer! He wanted her to be safe and to get home safely! On the outside, Azariah simply gave a huge grin and nodded, probably looking a bit too eager to have their company extended. Inside she was dancing and prancing, her paws hardly able to keep still with her excitement. She had been dreading parting ways with the grizzly bear wolf, his presence had been the most comfort she had felt in a long time. Safety had come with a price before, but she gave Ulric the benefit of believing in his kindness. He genuinely seemed to care that she made it home, though anxiety said he might just want to know where she slept for nefarious purposes.

Shrugging off the bleak thought, Azariah was absolutely tickled that he would want to come with her. "That's very sweet of you! I would be glad for the escort...there are many who would harm without cause, and I would rather have your company." She paused, then seemed to get a thought, "Although, I have been meaning to explore Boreas more, I have spent the majority of my time here trapped on an island...And, I would very much like to see this 'Lover's Mangrove,' it sounds beautiful." She smiled, subtly asking if she could go with him instead. The north, while not frigid, was still cold. Besides, she had already seen the caves and the cove to the west, she wanted to see the warmer parts of Boreas.

Her blood-red eyes were big and pleading, typical puppy-dog look, and she waved her tail hopefully behind her. If luck was with her, he would grant her request, and she prayed she had luck on her side. Even the fae around them seemed to wait for his answer, their lights fading as the fireflies found their beds for the evening, their lights slowing to flickers with less and less of them floating around. She knew time was growing thin, that they would eventually have to part, but she would rather be closer to him than a whole continent away. It was just a little clinginess that she felt, but it was also a strong pull to keep his company and be near him in general.

Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

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Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3