
Seams wear thin




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-16-2020, 01:14 PM

Even though he had been trying to abide by what he felt was proper and trying to keep himself from feeling so attached to someone that he had just recently met it was hard to hide the joy he felt at her excitement when he asked about staying with her a bit longer. Her excitement was infectious and his grin ended up mirroring her own. His tail brushed the ground as it wagged and showed how happy he was that she had accepted his offer. It felt crazy to want to stick around with someone that was still mostly a stranger to him, but he really did enjoy her company and so why shouldn't he let himself enjoy it? He so rarely let himself do the things that made him happy - too occupied by duty and obligations to let himself do anything other than think about his family and their future and what he was going to do to make a home for them. For a moment he let himself just think about how this pretty woman seemed to like being around him just as much as he liked being around her.

Azariah spoke of the dangers that were out in the world and he nodded in agreement. It was the fact that forced him to worry about things far too much and often made him second guess other's intentions. He liked to think he was a pretty good judge of character, but it didn't make him stop worrying about the wolves in his life. When she shifted to talking about wanting to explore more of Boreas beyond where she had currently been staying and he saw the not so subtle pleading in her gaze he realized very quickly that he'd never be able to deny this woman what she wanted. Her vibrant red eyes had his full attention and after a moment of silence he chuckled softly and grinned. He hoped that her ability to easily sway him wouldn't cause him problems somewhere down the line. "Would you like to come to the mangroves with me?" he asked with a little nod of his head toward the direction they would need to go to get there. He'd be lying if he wasn't a bit hopeful that she'd accept his offer even though he knew she would. She'd made it pretty clear with her adorable puppy eyes that she had wanted to see the Lover's Mangroves and he was excited about the idea that he'd get to take her with him there.
