
Merrily we fall out of line



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
08-17-2020, 05:05 PM

She was quickly losing her mood,she really loathed kids,all of them really and she couldn't stand having them close to her.He was here just because she wanted to at least try to save this one's poor existence but it seemed this was a waste of her time,precious time.Well the pup wasnt hers anyway so she had no real interest on its safety she just though about whoever the mother was but well she was done here. If she wanted to die or not ,none of her concern.

But before she could ever move a foot away someone she didnt expects arrived. Samara,her sister, her littermate arrived calling for the pup.'Ohhh what a sweet surprise i just found' she thought with a soft but prideful smile. This was just too shocking and it seemed Samara didnt waste any time. "Ohh but if it is Samara,my dear sister.Where have you been? We were worried about you." She firstly said with all the honesty but keeping herself cold.She was indeed happy to see her sister was fine but it seemed Samara wasnt as happy.

"I never said I was going to beat the spawn, did i? Anyways what you should really be thankful is for that i came here on time,if i haven't the child would be dead by now," She said coldly turning to leave. "Anyways my business here is over, now even though i never care enough for children as others do,i still will suggest you to hold a better watch on them,but well its your problem not mine. This is why i fucking hate kids," That was the only words she said before attempting to walk away. But if there was any good to be taken from this situation it was that she now knew where their sister has been,all of the worry she had for her seemed to be in vain, either way, she was done here. And she was going to share this precious information with Belle.

-Exit if not stopped-
