
take the heart you thought you had



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
08-16-2020, 04:01 PM

Hana was quick to leap after him, as he knew she would be. They raced across the sand, the sound of their drumming paws and the ocean’s waves as loud to him as his hammering heart. He whooped with delight. The familiarity of it all was a great delight. Just him, Hana, and the wind.he wouldn’t let his doubts with Azure get in the way.

The ocean approached rapidly, and he thought for sure that he was going to win. Then, in an impressive feat, Hana pulled in front of him. He laughed and playfully batted his wing against her departing rump in retaliation. The next thing he knew, she was falling. Had he knocked her too hard? He had barely touched her! He hadn’t seen the crab, but she was falling into him.

His wings spread in a bid to catch her weight, and suddenly he was crashing into the earth. Her legs tangling in his, and her body catching in his wings. They fell together, the end result accumulating to her body on top of him, and his nose buried in the sand. He sneezed heavily, pulling his muzzle free, and looking across at his heavy burden. He wrapped a free wing around her, yanking her further onto him, and turning, rolling into the sand with her so she could rest on his belly, freeing his other wing which had been held bent at an awkward angle. He shook it free, and looked up at his passenger. “I don’t think crashing ino your opponent is how you win.”