
Where Flowers Bloom




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-16-2020, 06:28 PM

Nodding as he mentions about the compost, Meadow has not noticed the smell of it. That is not to say it is not there. Oh, the scent is there but she does not pay attention to it and therefore misses it. Yet another detail that slips through her paws. Ducking her head slightly when she focuses her mind on finding the odor and, surprise, surprise finds it, Meadow reprimands herself for missing it. It is only compost this time but what if it is something worse in the future?

Looking to Indigo, she wonders if he might be able teach her some patience. Maybe he will be the one to help her focus her scattered mind and learn to take in all aspects. It is only when she is working that all the trains of thoughts that run continuously through her mind, seem to slow enough to allow her to concentrate on one thing. The dirt that coats her paws calms her further and her mind floats along as she digs.

Pausing in her task to lean back and talk, Indigo’s bright blue eyes find her. Something about those pools of blue show Meadow his soul and she knows all her assumptions about him are confirmed. He is gentle and kind, so she opens up to him. Meadow has not told anyone all of what she shares with him but she lays her soul bare to Indigo. He might be young but that does not make her think that he cannot understand what she shares. If anything, it means he can see more than adults with his innocence and, perhaps, not judge as harshly as others might.

The serious nature of what she speaks of has his ears falling and she feels sorry for making him sad. When her voice trails off, Indigo moves to embrace her, wrapping his paws around her shoulders and Meadow melts into him. His arms are strong, comforting and she appreciates the gesture so much. Inhaling his scent deeply, she marks it as a someone that brings her comfort and she files it in her mind as family. Indigo is now part of her clan, along with Resin, Iolaire, Spirit, Hanako, Mortis, Zee and Sirius, he is now someone she would lay down her life for.

After she accepts his offer, she buries her face into his fur and allows the grateful tears to fall, mingling with the purple fur and staining her cheeks. Never, in all of Meadow’s life has she ever felt so blessed. She is making such meaningful connections with others that she has only have just met. When he releases her, she aims a kiss at one of his big paws in thanks. A brilliant smile returns to her lips as she moves to work.

It is hard to dislodge the bright smile that stays with her as she digs with happiness in her heart. The holes do not take long to make and she arranges the dirt into small piles near each one. Humming softly as she works, unaware of the tune that fills her chest and spills into the air, the song does not stop until she puts the last of the dirt aside. Deep green eyes turn to her friend and she says, “There is nothing like working with your paws. It connects you so deeply to the earth. I wish every wolf understood the importance of owning a garden.”

A soft laugh escapes at the idea of all the warriors in the pack tending gardens of flowers. Sirius might throw a fit if every fighter came to battle with a crown of flowers on their head. When Indigo leaves to gather the compost, Meadow sits back, watching him move toward the greenhouse. For a moment, she closes her eyes, allowing the smile to fall away as she pictures the faces of all the wolves she loves. Each one holds a piece of her heart and each one is special to her. Her life truly is complete.

When she hears him approaching, she opens her eyes and the bright smile returns. Watching as he places enough of the compost near each hole, her tail wags in response to his excitement. She says, “Well then, let’s get these seeds into their new homes! They must be as excited as us!” Another soft laugh as she stands and moves to the packet that houses them. Removing the tie, she carefully opens the pack and divvies up the seeds before taking the ones for her side to their homes.

Gently placing two seeds into each hole, Meadow looks to Indigo once they are all in place. “Okay all we have to do now is mix half the dirt with half compost and then we can put it in the holes. Be sure to press it gently onto the seeds and then we can water them!” Moving to the furthest hole, she starts the process of mixing the dirt and compost together to place over the seeds, after a few moments she asks, “Hey Indigo, what made you start this beautiful garden?” To Meadow, there is always a story to be told.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm