
Starting fires wherever we go




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-16-2020, 07:40 PM

"It's nice to meet you, Sedna," he replied with a dip of his head. He was a bit surprised when she walked up to him after introducing herself, blinking with a confused grin as she bumped her head against his chin. His grin remained though his expression grew a bit more quizzical. He assumed that it was probably some kind of greeting he wasn't super familiar with, but it didn't make it any less odd for him since they had just met. He brushed it off quickly though and when she offered to take care of his wounds he was quick to give her a nod and an appreciative smile. "I would really appreciate that, thank you. I was just thinking that I would go find a healer to take a look at it, but you beat me to it." He chuckled and settled back on his haunches so that he wouldn't disrupt the work she would need to do. The smaller cuts and things he had gotten from Azure's claws didn't bother him too much, but the gash he had gotten in his shoulder was possibly more concerning.

He pondered her question about what had brought him here for a moment. There was a long and a short answer and he tired to find something that was somewhere in between. There wasn't a reason to bore her with his whole life story, but just saying that he met a few wolves that lived here felt very shallow. "I haven't lived in a pack since I was a pup and even then it was the one my father ruled and I decided I wanted to give it a try again. I met several wolves that lived here simply because I like to stay in the mangroves that are near here and our paths happened to cross so I figured this one was as good as any. I have some relatives in a pack out west, but... I think I just wanted to strike out on my own for a while and get to know some new faces." The Armada itself as a pack was less important in his decision than it was just to have a pack not led by his own relatives. He loved his family, but he didn't feel like he could learn and grow without some space to do it.
