
The Book of You and I




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-16-2020, 09:59 PM

Her reaction to his home was even better than he could have asked for. It seemed to floor her and once she took off the skull she wore as a mask he was able to see just how amazed she was by it. The luminescent glow the whole forest carried did make it quite the mystical place at night. During the day it wasn't much to look at, but once the darkness fell it really did become something special. If anything he only wished he had a way to capture the amazement on her face so that he could always enjoy it. His smile widened once she leaned into him and he happily held her weight against him while she enjoyed the spectacle of it all. He barely even noticed the view around them any more with the feeling of her form leaning into his capturing all of his attention. While she gazed around in awe at the lights, his pale, shimmering gaze remained fixed on her. Once she sat down he settled beside her with his side still brushing against hers.

He peered down at her with an adoring smile lingering on his face. He was absolutely enamored with how the glow of the mangroves glimmered off of the palest parts of her fur and in that moment it felt like this portion of the forest was detached from the rest of the world. The trees grew close enough together that it naturally felt a bit secluded as it was, but having her here made it feel different. For a long while he didn't speak or interrupt, he just let her enjoy everything around her. He had grown so accustomed to the mangroves and its unique features that the wonder of it was lost on him now, but it was still fresh and new and wondrous to her so he didn't want to take that moment away. Seeing her so happy made an emotion he wasn't familiar with well up in his chest and all of the sudden he felt the need to make her always feel that way. After a few moments he dared to curl his tail around her haunches and cross it over hers in a small little sign of affection.

It seemed impossibly crazy for him to feel so attached to someone he had met only a day ago now. There was just something between them that felt so comfortable and so easy - he didn't have to think about how to present himself and he adored that. He could just be himself and doing just that seemed to make her happy. Perhaps it was just the intimate, romantic setting he had accidentally placed them in, but being so close to her like this made him feel more daring that he might have been normally. He dipped his head down to hers and placed a gentle lick across one of her ears to get her attention. Once she looked up at him and her unique ruby eyes locked with his a wide smiled smile spread across his lips. The joy he felt was clear in his eyes as they shimmered gently in glow of the mangroves, the luminescent glow bringing out the silver flecks in his irises. "A good surprise?" he asked softly, his voice quiet since he felt like speaking too loudly would ruin this perfect setting around them.
