
Starting fires wherever we go




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-16-2020, 10:29 PM

He listened as she shared her own reasons and he smiled a little in response. "Not that different at all," he agreed. Of course, the main difference had been that he had never actually gotten a chance to challenge his father for the pack or even just inherit it in general. His father had made the wrong type of enemies and had gotten himself killed and lost their pack entirely. Now he had no choice but to attempt to rebuild it from the ground up. It was a idiotic move and a betrayal that still stung all these years later. It wasn't one that he thought of very often, but whenever it did come up he couldn't help the anger he felt toward his father for what he had inevitably done to their family. He was determined to pick up the pieces that he had left, it had just taken him far longer than he would have liked to do it.

Her words about the plant she pointed out pulled him away from his own thoughts he gave her a nod in understanding. "Sometimes I wished I knew more about herbs and healing, but every time I've tried to learn all the information has gone in one ear and out the other," he added with a chuckle. He watched as she went over to the plant to collect the pieces she needed and held still so that she could go to work applying the paste. He gave a small nod at the warning that it would sting, but it was something he had already been expecting. For someone like him who had been in quite a few fights and had been injured a countless number of times the feeling of herbs being applied and wounds being treated had become common place. He wasn't sure that was a good thing or not, but it was his reality. The plant did indeed sting while she was applying it, but shortly afterward it became unnoticeable.

He listened attentively to her directions and nodded in agreement. "Don't waste the honey on me, I know how hard it is to come by," he replied with a bit of humor as he thought about the contraption he had come up with to gather some himself. "I don't mind taking a swim to keep it clean. It certainly isn't the worst wound I've ever gotten," he added with a chuckle and a motion with his paw toward the scar that cut across his left cheek. He hoped he would never have another wound as bad as the one Philomena had given him, but if he was truly serious about building his own pack then he was sure he'd come across some pretty serious fights in the future. "Thanks for your help, I appreciate it."
