
Animal [Open]


02-26-2013, 07:46 AM


Champion listened to the high pitched cacklings of the diseased rat. He seemed to be getting some pleasure of their meeting, but only in his own odd little way. Champion swiveled her ears, watching him with silent interest. But she gained about as much from that as she had with her staring contest with the she-wolf. Now though, the black she-wolf gave something of a low growl and immediately the rat was silent.

Champion got the feeling that something was coming. Perhaps the she-wolf was going to speak? Perhaps something else? It was a tense sort of interest that made Champion's thick rolls of neck fur tingle in the most delicious way. She knew this feeling. She got it often before a fight. But sense dictated a certain measure of wariness here. This monster who was just as large and tall as herself could certainly prove a most exciting match, but she looked as though there was a pestilence on her. Bites and claws and bruises and broken bones were all one thing. But infection and disease? That rather gave an oppoenant unfair advantage.

Still Champion's glittering red gaze never changed. She remained alert and energetic, flicking her gaze pleasantly between the two creatures.

But it was then that something did happen.

The squishing and squelching in the swamp started up again. Someone was coming. Champion glanced sideways at the newcomer, not wishing to turn her head from this strange she-wolf. Eyes could flick back in a fraction of a heartbeat, a whole body part took longer.

But the new comer was most interesting. He was a large wolf by any standard, but at 36 inches he was a whole head shorter than either of the fae's he now stepped up to. He seemed heatlhy and strong and decently surefooted, and so it was with surprise that Champion peered into his eyes. Blind? No he couldn't be blind - not with the way he walked so straight. Were his eyes merely milky in color then? She wasn't sure. She'd never met a wolf she knew to be blind, but she would've immagined it to be a terrible disadvantage.

Champion's high curled tail wagged in friendly greeting, but she remained balanced and solid in her stance. After his words she did turn her head, alighting on him with both of her burgundy eyes. This was more how she'd expected to find someone in such a place. Not the strange (but exciting) silence of the other wolf "Good day stranger." Champion said in a voice almost too deep to be female. "I'm happy to help in any way I can. As it is, I quite remember the way I came in. If you wish to be free of this place, I can lead you out. - Oh, my name is Champion by the way -" She gestured with a gold sheathed foreleg to the other creatures before. "This is -Banshee- I believe? And-" Champion looked to the rat. "I didn't catch your name."


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~