
Starting fires wherever we go




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-17-2020, 08:22 AM

He understood what she meant by having family expectations on her, though his were less related to learning a specific skill, but more driven to uphold and continue his family's name. Being a strong fighter and care taker was part of those expectations, but he'd always felt like he needed to behave a certain way because of his lineage. The Adravendi name was well known through Boreas and it carried a certain weight that he was a bit self conscious of at times. Of course, it had a far better reputation than the Hellstrom name did which is why he opted to cut that lineage out of his narrative, but he was still aware of the way some wolves that had grown up in Boreas would react or treat him once they heard he was an Adravendi. It wasn't all bad though - it did also mean he had a wide spread family here and practically everywhere he turned he found a cousin of some sort. "No, no other concerns," he assured her once she asked if he'd be alright with some rest. As long as that bigger laceration Azure had given him wasn't going to become infected then he could handle the rest on his own.

He gave her a grateful smile when she offered a den he might be able to take that was currently unoccupied. "Thank you, Sedna, that's very kind. I only just joined the Armada a few hours ago so you're right that I haven't really been within the borders yet or really had much of a chance to settle in. I'll definitely take you up on that offer - at least until I have a chance to look around more and figure out where I want to be." When she mentioned that she preferred to be near the Weeping Willows he nodded in agreement, glancing off to the side toward the mangroves that started just on the other side of this forest of willow trees. "That mangrove forest over there was my home for a very long time so I'm happy that I'm still so close to it."
