
Count your blessings




3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
08-17-2020, 12:26 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2020, 12:37 PM by Askan.)

The Red Forest was quiet, a gentle breeze ruffled Askan's fur as he moved along, his strides poised and purposeful despite his obvious lack of destination. The wind rushed forward, bringing a scent to his nose and he grimaced so hard the muscles in his face stung like he'd been slapped. Ugh.  He knew some part of his past would catch up with him eventually but did it have to be an Archer? Elian he could have dealt with, chased off with harsh and biting words, perhaps even a snap of his teeth, but the Archers were a different beast entirely. They put on the airs and graces of reverence, Askan knew no clan or Empire that didn't at least pretend to respect The Arcadian Emirate, but unlike the rest they were heathens at heart. And they didn't even try to hide it.

His ears flicked back in disgust as a song flitted through the forest and echoed between the trees, it was painfully familiar but twisted and wrong in open mockery. Had Askan's Father somehow caught wind of this she would have no doubt lost her tongue, or worse. But other than an itching need to be pedantic, Askan didn't really care. The Emirate was great and grand yadda yadda, but he'd never been religious and nor would he ever be.  Before his departure, Askan's Father had long since stopped trying to force him into attending mass and other equally as tedious and boring ceremonies. He was far from evangelical and loathed the hymns as much as anyone else but yeah... he could be awfully pedantic and nitpicky at times. Especially when an Archer was involved.

"High on the mountain top, A banner is unfurled. Ye nations, now look up; It waves to all the world." He recanted with a sneer as he approached, wondering how she'd managed to drag badgers and squirrels into this. There was vaguely something familiar about her though, her eyes were sharp, clever and knowing. He asked the question even though he already knew what the answer would be. "You one of Morganna's?" Lords above knew that the Archers bred like rabbits, that witch especially.

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