
Valhallan Spring Tournament - Elba vs Torrent



1 Year

08-17-2020, 03:30 PM

Elba bounded down to the arena the moment she found out that it was her turn. She practically moved in gazelle like leaps in order to get there as quickly as possible. She wasn't usually this level of excited for most things, but this would be her first real spar since they got to Boreas so she was very excited to see how their fights were done here and if they did anything new or different she could learn from. She got to her spot in the ring and stood before the woman that would end up being her opponent and saw that they were pretty similar in build, but the other woman - who she soon learned was named Torrent - was a good bit taller than she was. It didn't phase her too much though, she was still just as excited.

She got down into the defensive stance she had learned in her early training and waited for the moment that Aurielle gave them the signal to fight and then sprang into action right away. She lacked the grace and assuredness in her movements that a more seasoned fighter would have, but she tried to make up for it with speed and confidence. She moved with that same sort of leaping run that had brought her down to the arena in the first place until she had put herself close enough to Torrent to be able to make her first attack. When she was close enough, Elba attempted to leap up onto her hind legs, spreading them a bit to give her a more stable base and let her claws dig into the ground. With her forelegs in the air she lunged for Torrent's neck, hoping to wrap her forelegs around the woman's neck. At the same time she reached with her open jaws toward the right side of Torrent's neck to try and land a bite there at the same time.

Elba Kvasir vs Torrent Imperialis for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Intermediate Healer
Specialty: N/A

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