
Just a teenage dirtbag, baby

Polaris I


1 Year
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019
08-17-2020, 06:57 PM

Polaris dared to adventure herself to warmer regions, setting her eyes forward the west of Boreas. She couldn't recall when was the last time she ever set a step out of her home,and it was just about time for her to give herself that chance. And like that she left her home's safety to adventure herself to anywhere unknown. She was confident that she would be able to find the way back to the north,the cold north she called her home.And she hoped her father wouldn't mind,she wasnt a pup anymore and with soo much happening in her life it was just fair to have some time to distract her mind from the loss she and her siblings got through.

And like that she found herself in a huge basin, with a big extension of land before her. It was beautiful and a place she could only compare with a paradise. Tall green grass coated the place,with a soft wind moving it making it look like an ocean,an ocean built-in greens instead of blues. Smiling shortly she adventured herself in, sniffing and eyeing anything she found interesting.

But despite how great the place was she still knew she had to pay attention to her surroundings,she couldn't allow her common sense to lose against childish desires, desires that were pushing her to do foolish things.She just wanted to acknowledge this new land but not at the cost of her life,she knew she was taking her leave before night.It could be dangerous for a young wolf like her to roam alone at night,she left because she was confident with traveling through the daylight.

There as she walked she stooped by a small creek that crept through a narrow vessel, enough for it to flow. She sat down and would drink a bit from it.


[Image: Polaris_pixel.png]