
take the heart you thought you had



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
08-18-2020, 12:26 AM

Mort had no idea of the conflict his question would inspire in Hana. he would see the heat in her cheeks, and her mouth open and closed as though she had great trouble knowing what to say. He peered at her in concern, and then let out a soft breathy chuckle as she bopped her nose to his.

He sneezed again as her breath whiffed through his nostrils. He knew the smell of her wound linger on him after that. She was fully on him, breathing in his face, warm, and soft, and he could just lift his wings, and wrap her against him, hold her tight. His heart picked up in speed, though he could not fathom exactly why. It was Hana, good old Hana, who was quickly becoming his closest friend. Why did he feel a little breathless, with her nose so close to his?

“Of course I’ll catch you” he managed to get the words out past his suddenly dry throat. She was leaning close to him again, so close, he could just about lean forward and lick her nose. He didn’t. Because that would be silly.

Her smile went and did, took the breath away from his already breathless state. He was feeling mighty uncomfortable and confused right at that moment. His stomach twisting into knots, and for some odd reason Azure entered into his thoughts. Azure. What would his brother think, seeing them tangled up like this? It was a bucket of cold water, and he was glad when she got to her feet.

He pulled himself up to, carefully putting his eyes towards the ocean. “let’s go for a swim, see if we can catch some lunch.” he said, seeking a distraction from the confusion in his heart. He didn’t understand hormones, he didn’t know what was going on with him. Burying it, he jumped forward, spraying sand at her forepaws, and grinning at her. “If you catch a fish before I do, you get a win!”