
Care to spin a yarn?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-18-2020, 08:57 AM

Ulric admired the armor that Cairo explained had been made by him and it got him thinking even more about what he might be able to make for himself. Armor wasn't really something he had thought about before seeing some on other wolves around him fairly recently, but it seemed like if it could give him an edge in fights then it was certainly worth the effort to make it. Once his cousin mentioned that field dressing their kill might be easier up on the hill near them he nodded in response and was about to grab one of the legs to start dragging it up the hill when he suddenly noticed Cairo using one of the claws on his bracers to cut around the deer's throat. When he had heard "remove its head" he hadn't imagined it would be so immediate or as gruesome as this. He watched with his jaws parted in shock, the head coming away with surprising ease.

He chuckled and gave an exasperated shake of his head before going back to the leg opposite of the one Cairo was dragging from and began to pull the deer up the hill as well. Usually when he hunted it was purely just for food and he hardly ever did more than just pull back the skin enough to get to the meat. All of this stuff with cutting off the head, field dressing, skinning... That stuff was all new to him and it just surprised him how nonchalant Cairo was about all of it. He guessed it just all became more normal after doing it several times. Once they got the deer to where Cairo wanted it to be, he looked back to his cousin again and waited for the next set of instructions.
