
Starting fires wherever we go




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-18-2020, 02:29 PM

Ulric blinked with surprise when Sedna brought up the topic of finding sharks in the mangroves. He'd seen countless number of smaller fish and water-dwelling creatures like crabs and such - especially as you got closer to the ocean - but never anything quite as large as a shark. He was quite amused by the story that she had been told by her mother and the outlandish possibility of getting a whole leg taken off by one of these sharks. He couldn't quite tell how much of it was actually truth and how much was embellishment or exaggeration brought on by time and retellings, but either way he enjoyed hearing it. He liked how a unique accent of sorts came out with her speech as she grew more and more excited by the story. It made him grin in a fond sort of way - the same kind of grin you might give a sibling as they gushed about something that happened to them the day before.

"I can't say that I've never seen a shark in there, but I kind of wish I had now! That would definitely add a bit of excitement to my day," he replied with a chuckle. "I've definitely seen the occasional shark fin out in the open water, but I don't think the waterways are big enough through the mangroves here for a shark to come that far inland." While they didn't have the excitement that a torn off leg might have, the Lover's Mangroves did one one unusual feature at least. "Something interesting that does happen there though is at night everything gets a luminescent glow to it. During the day it doesn't really look like anything special, but it's really quite beautiful at night. If you've ever seen mushrooms in caves that glow in the dark or beaches that glow a bit when you walk on them it's a similar sort of thing. I've always enjoyed it since I was a pup."
