
Where chains will never bind you


09-01-2013, 11:16 AM
The night is young, the darkness envelopes him. He walks with an easy gait, boredom etched on his features. Ears twitch to the melody running through his mind, he is so unbearably bored. It tears at his very soul and a sigh escapes from parted jaws, the weight of such tedium forces his usually proud shoulders toward the ground. Fed up, that's what he is. Gods why can't something happen, anything at all.

Wind grabs at his fur and pulls him but still it isn't interesting, it isn't special or different. There's nothing fun in this place. His ears droop. His lips peel back and he grunts with frustration, the night birds chat amongst themselves and he feels left out. Won't they talk to him? He'd even accept their nonsensical ramblings and song, yet they remain so far away keeping secrets and spreading pointless rumours. He envies them even if it is only for a moment, wishes for his siblings even though they are so tedious themselves. He sighs again.

"Urgh." He allows his legs to give out, he is unentertained. He flops comically sideways and crashes to the ground in a groaning, sighing, grunting mass of boredom. His tail is the last thing to collide with the dry Earth and dust flutters around him, he snorts. "Stupid birds." One of his teeth slips out over his lip so upon closing his mouth, it protrudes idiotically. He glares at the sky, then in turn at the ground. Neither provides him with an answer to his current state of mind and discouraged he rolls onto his back, paws kicking stones as he thrusts them skyward. No sooner do they hit the sky than drop back toward him and fold inward, he rolls his eyes ? vibrant green against a shadowy coat ? and rolls sideways pushing his paws into the dirt and rising.