
The Book of You and I




5 Years

08-19-2020, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2020, 12:26 AM by Azariah.)

In one motion, Ulric pulled her closer, wrapping her in his embrace rather than push her away. The very moment his leg rested across her back and she felt his face burrow into the scarred but soft scruff of her neck, Azariah felt something inside her relax and the tension that she always carried with her between her shoulder blades finally eased. What resulted was a melting of sorts. Without realizing it, Azariah was constantly tense, her muscles always tightly corded and ready to launch her into a run or fight at any moment. Contact had always meant pain, but her body's natural reaction to Ulric's touch had been to instantly relax, causing her to fit better against him; like a small puzzle piece sliding into place. The relaxation must have caused her to become dizzy or something because what followed next was a sensation that the world tilted ever so slightly toward Ulric, and seemed to spin with him in the center. She could only hold on and gasp softly as the spinning halted and seemed to finally click into place where their bodies met.

His gentle kisses added to the tilting, spinning, and swirling of their surroundings. The result of it all was a gentle panting and her heart wanted to leap from her chest. It was so much like a panic attack that the witch could hardly distinguish the two, but it wasn't fear she felt. To be honest, she wasn't sure what to call the feeling, other than warm and comforting. When he spoke her name, Azariah smiled and made a chirping, purring chuff deep in her chest to acknowledge he had spoken. Listening to his next words, she let another contented purr out, a sign she was supremely happy. It was a semi-vocal confirmation, a sound she had only uttered in the privacy of her den when she studied her collections of herbs and came across a particularly good smelling one or some other odd thing she enjoyed thoroughly. With the purr still in her voice, she looked up at him as he made what sounded like a confession, "I don't think it sounds that crazy at all, because I can relate completely," her grin was priceless and matched his earlier smile. It was her turn then, to give in to temptation and run with what had been brought to her. Safety, happiness, love...she could finally reach for it and hold it if that was indeed where they were headed.

Confidence was new to her, but instinct told her she could trust him, and she could still trust herself. It was with this and his own courage bolstering her that she decided she would tell him. "Ulric," his name was spoken with a soft purr in her voice, to further cement her happiness. She pulled back from him only enough that she could fully look him in the face, this close, one could see the small scars that still littered the top of her muzzle. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know more were beneath her white, black, and grey fur. "You make me happy too, but it's more than just that. I feel safe with you; like I am home." The vulnerability was clear in her voice, but she wore that softness with an odd regality. Shifting her body to be closer to his, Azariah lay her head against his chest once again, and even though it hurt by now to do so, smiled and allowed herself to enjoy the moment.

Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

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