
I See You


5 Years
Athena I
09-01-2013, 12:31 PM

Meili waited patiently from where she stood, watching as her man brought down the doe with ease. She smiled proudly, but the smile quickly disappeared as she saw him land hard on his shoulder. She winced and ran over to him as soon as the doe lay dead and he released his grip on it. Her ivory paws carried her to him, collapsing to the ground beside him with a soft thump, licking at his right shoulder worriedly. "Are you okay, Gael? That looked like it hurt." She examined him carefully, not seeing any outward signs of injury, but knew it could be bruised or at least sore. Meili lapped at his shoulder soothingly, her dinner momentarily forgotten.

She lifted her muzzle a bit to give his cheek a lick, her teal gaze finding his with an unexpected wave of happiness. Only his cerulean eyes could catch her attention like that. She couldn't explain it, not that she wanted to. Her heart fluttered helplessly under his gaze and a soft, dreamy smile drifted across her muzzle. She had thought about him endlessly when he was gone and now he was finally here beside her again. Finally pulling her gaze from his, she leaned into his body happily, her small form fitting into the crook of his side perfectly. She nuzzled his neck with a content sigh, feeling like they were worlds away from everything with the tall grasses circling them and only the blue sky above them. "Thank you," she said softly, finally finding her voice again. "For helping catch that deer... and just being here." She wanted to say more, desperately wanted to tell him how much she missed him and how she felt about him, how much she cared for her man, but she restrained herself. One of her biggest fears was to tell him all of this, only to have him not feel the same or, worse, scare him away with it all. She knew eventually she would have to face her fears... but how?
