
Between you and me



"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-20-2020, 09:54 AM

Hanako lingered behind, waiting for the others to leave before she moved closer to Sirius' side and offered him a comforting nudge to his shoulder. It might have been a little inappropriate and out of place but when she looked at him she saw the distress and worry in his eyes, the thought of not offering some solace was worse than any reprimand he might have for her. She listened, ears flicked forward and alert as he shared all the information he had, it wasn't a lot and that no doubt frustrated him but it was certainly better than nothing, right? At least it gave them a direction to look, as opposed to blindly scouring all of Boreas for a wolf who may or may not have been long gone. But from what The Warlord said...Hanako couldn't blame him for being suspicious about this wolf. Her time in the Armada had sharpened her edges some, she was still naive and spoiled but the world seemed a little less easy and simple than she'd first thought. As if her time with The Keepers had stopped her from seeing the whole picture.

If this wolf, Cairo, had harmed Sirius' daughter, there'd be hell to pay. Of that Hanako was certain. But till then it made sense to play it cool and casual, keep their cards close to their chest as the mystery hopefully unraveled. And Sirius couldn't have picked a better wolf for this task, her incognito spying still needed some work but the same couldn't be said for how she dealt with people. It felt as though years of lessons and training had all led to this moment, that it was her time to shine and oh would she shine as bright as the sun.

Valhalla? Hanako tipped her head in thought, the pack sounded familiar and it took a few moments to remember where she'd heard the name. Nolan. He'd told her about it, that it laid to the west some time ago when they'd met on Obsidian Beach. If possible she hoped to make use of that connection, perhaps it would aid her in gaining their trust? Either way Hanako was already forming a plan in her mind on how to best go about this. Friendly and approachable, a concerned pack mate looking for help in some trying times. Using the long journey as an excuse to rest and have a bit of a nose about, if possible. She could do this, she would do this for Sirius.

"I understand, I'll set off soon." Hanako said, keeping it simple as usual. And then she frowned, unsure of whether it was a good time to bring it up. She doubted it was related his second set of eyes and ears she felt implored to tell him. She shifted her weight, chewing on her lip as she pondered on how to best approach this sudden change in topic. "This is unrelated but about  your newest recruit, Naiche... I got the sense he's very suspicious, cagey. Seemed paranoid about being spied on, did a poor job of hiding it too. Near enough demanded to know who I was and my rank." His social skills were severely lacking to say the least.

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