
Never going to stop




1 Year

08-20-2020, 11:58 AM

She was happy that she didn't have to wait very long for an opponent to arrive. She was certain that the longer she had to wait the more antsy she would get so at leas now she wouldn't have to wait around and let her nerves build up. The man that approached her seemed to be about the same age as her, but he had a slightly heavier build. She was a tiny bit on the taller side in comparison, but barely enough to make much of a difference. As least as far as physical features went they were pretty even. It was hard to judge how experienced he was just from looking at him though and she also had to think about the jaguar that was lingering near his side. She was here to learn and this was the perfect opportunity to do that. "Absolutely!" he replied with a grin, clearly more easy going than he was with his more serious expression.

She dropped into a slightly crouched, defensive stance with her muscles tensed and ready to spring. She kept her tail tucked out of the way as well as keeping her head low and in line with her spine. She was still learning the feeling of getting into this set stance so it took her a second longer to build up her defenses then other more experienced wolves would. Once that was taken care of she went right into her first attack since he had opened the floor for her to make the first move. She ran forward, using long strides to close the distance between them as quickly as possible. Once she was able she reached out to attempt to grab his foreleg on the opposite side from where the jaguar was standing. She wanted to make sure that she put the male in-between her and the feline as much as possible to prevent it being able to attack her right away. She aimed her parted jaws at his leg right above his ankle, hoping to get a quick, firm hold on the limb so she could work that grip into her future attacks.

Elba Kvasir vs Dunkan for Spar
Round 1/3
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Intermediate Healer
Specialty: N/A

"Talk" "You" Think