
New day, New life


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-21-2020, 10:37 AM

The young man seemed incredibly polite as he greeted her with her title and a dip of his head. She knew she was considered a "high rank" in the pack, but it was still strange for her to see someone address her with that sort of respect. She was a little surprised by how well spoken he was for his age. Once he introduced himself she took note of his name and stored the information away for later. The last thing she wanted to do was forget the name of any of her pack mates. A proud grin pulled at her muzzle as he complimented the way the pack was run. She didn't know how much she had done in the way of keeping the pack running smoothly, but she was still happy to hear the compliment all the same. "Thank you, we're quite proud of it. I think everyone here really strives to work hard so that has a lot to do with it." Of course she didn't want to speak for everyone, but she really hadn't seen anyone that actually stuck with the pack lazing around or pushing off their duties. Sirius was good at motivating others - she was a prime example of that.

"I actually have a little bit of my patrol left to go - just down the beach here and back around to the edge of the grassy plains. Would you like to join me?" She waited for him to agree before continuing down her path, moving at a slightly more easy, casual pace than she would have if she was on her own. Usually when she was patrolling by herself she tried to get the patrol done as efficiently as possible, but when she had company she was willing to go a bit slower so they could chat. "What brought you to the Armada?" she asked curiously, giving him a glance from the corner of her vision. She felt like her situation had been fairly unique for what brought her to living in a pack so she was always interested to hear other's stories as well.

"Talk" Think