
Two worlds collide

Introduce the family



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-21-2020, 05:10 PM

ooc: Just for my own frame of reference for my crazy, mixed up Ulric time line: this is set after Ulric going to Auster with Meme to get Roza and and Nausicaa which is set after their first mangrove lovey thread... so Azariah would theoretically be in the area waiting on them to return I think and maybe her and Meme met the first night Meme was there? Idk man my liquid time got REAL liquid LOL

As they grew closer and closer to the mangroves the more excited and nervous he became. He was absolutely certain that his mother would love Azariah, but there was still that little bit of uncertainty that lingered in the back of his mind all the same. He simply wanted his family to get along with his love so he wouldn't have any reason feel like their family had to remain fragmented. He lead the way with Meme, Nausicaa, and his mother lingering beside or just behind him. The trip had mostly been quiet with just the occasional chatter between Nausicaa and Meme or one of the girls with himself. His mother in particular had been extremely quiet. He hoped that his sister's disappearance wouldn't sour this meeting too much, but he also didn't expect his mother to simply bounce back immediately from losing her daughter again.

He slipped through the mangroves, winding through the trees until he reached the area where he had built his den and would soon help build out even more space for his family to live. He stopped and turned to face the women that he had brought here, giving them all a small smile. "Wait here and rest. It's been a long trip. I'll go find Azariah so you can meet her." With that he turned away and went further into the mangroves, following the monochrome woman's scent till he finally found her. As soon as his pale gaze landed on her a smile immediately pulled onto his lips. Being away from her even for just a couple days had felt like ages. He quietly slipped up behind her and let his side brush against hers as he dipped his head down to nuzzle her cheek. "There you are, beautiful," he told her softly, chuckling under his breath as his tail began to wag. He'd love to shower her with all kinds of love and affection right this moment, but he knew that there was something that had to be done first.

Ulric nodded back toward the den with a smile, adding, "Come on, there's someone I'd like for you to meet." He turned and led her back toward his family, walking back into the clearing with her at his side. "Azariah, this is my niece, Nausicaa, and my mother, Roza. Of course, you remember Meme." Looking toward his mother and nieces again he added, "This is Azariah." He hung back for a moment so they could all do their own introductions and he gave his mother a subtle, pleading glance - quietly telling her that he really, really wanted this to work out.
