
I See You


09-01-2013, 01:19 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 04:03 AM by Gael.)

The deer struggled feebly in his grip, its legs flailing in a weak attempt to get away. But it was too late. It was all done for. Gael didn't loosen his hold on the animal's windpipe, jaws clenched tightly around it as he felt it take its last shuddering breath before going still. He waited several moments just to make sure before slowly letting the deer fall from his jaws, crimson liquid staining his silver lips. Salmon tongue swiped out to lick the blood away, ears flickering backwards at the sound of pawsteps. Gael craned his neck around as he righted himself to his belly, cerulean gaze coming to rest of Meili's smaller figure as she came to plop beside him, her teal gaze full of worry as she licked his right shoulder. Are you okay, Gael? That looked like it hurt. He winced slightly at her touch, a breath hissing through his clamped jaws but a smile curling them anyways, nodding towards his little woman. Nothing a good night's rest can't fix. He bumped her cheek with the bridge of his muzzle, smiling lovingly at her. he loved that she worried about him because he worried about her just as much, if not more.

She would lift her head to kiss his cheek, making the smile blow up into a full blown grin, his heart stammering in his chest. He had missed being around her so much. Every time he saw it was like seeing her for the first time again. He was always surprised by how beautiful she was and he didn't think that it would ever go away. Their eyes met and he couldn't find the strength to look away, even when food was sitting right beside him. It wasn't until she looked away first, but only to mold herself to his side that their gazes broke. He pressed her against him, his muzzle pressed into the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent, ears forward with attention as she spoke. Thank you. For helping catch that deer... and just being here. He would rumble into her neck, incisors gently nipping at the skin just beneath her fur, his tone husky as he spoke. Don't thank me little woman, it's what I'm here for... His voice became a breathy whisper as he nipped his way up to the crook of her ear, nibbling the base of it. He had no idea what was going on with him, but he kind of liked it. There were new feelings stirring inside of him that he'd never felt before and he was rather curious as to where they lead. Would Meili help him discover what they were?

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