
Duty calls




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-21-2020, 07:23 PM

Ulric gave weapons that Sirius was crafting a curious glance, but his mind was much too occupied with other things to pay them much mind. Once the Warlord opened the floor for him to speak, Ulric settled onto his haunches and attempted to find a good place to start. There was so much that he felt like wouldn't make much sense if he didn't also tell the backstory behind it, but he also didn't want to ramble on longer than was necessary. "First, I wanted to apologize. I never intended to join your pack only to not spend any time in it. Life pulled me away unexpectedly, but that is still no real excuse so I'm sorry for my absence." That felt like the easy part compared to everything else he was going to have to explain, but it also felt like it was the most important part of any of it in a way.

"There's been a couple of reasons why I've been preoccupied, but the biggest one is because of my mother and nieces. They were living with my sister in Auster the last time I saw any of them and I believed that my sister would ensure that they were taken care of. I took care of my mother for several years after my father was killed so I felt like it was her turn to fill that role so that I could step away and focus on my training - as well as find a pack for myself." He gave a soft sigh of frustration and his gaze shifted to the ground between them as he thought of Philomena and the position that she had put him in. It wasn't the first time that she had affected his life in some sort of drastic way and somehow he couldn't believe that it would be the last. "Not long after the festival I ran into my youngest niece. She told me that my sister had abandoned them. I went with her to Auster and it does seem like she's right - it seems like she vanished without a trace."

"I brought my nieces and mother back to Boreas and have been spending most of the time I was away getting them settled into the Lover's Mangrove," he explained as he brought his eyes back up to meet Sirius'. "I also met someone that I've gotten quite attached to while I was gone," he added, a slight smile threatening to pull at his lips at even just the mention of Azariah. She truly had made the whole experience more bearable and he wasn't sure he would have been able to work though it without her help. "She has been helping me and is staying with them now while I'm here."

Even though he felt like he had been talking forever, it still felt like he had barely scratched the surface. He hoped that Sirius would understand where his head was at - especially since Sirius himself had a family. "I do very much appreciate you letting me into your pack and I still think there is a lot I can learn from you and can contribute to your pack... but I also have an obligation to take care of my family and my love. If I could get permission to keep my den in the mangroves and come here daily to assist the pack, attend meetings, and things of that sort then I would be happy to stay. However, I do understand if you do not want me to stay and have my attention divided like this."
