
Duty calls




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-21-2020, 07:56 PM

He saw Sirius contemplating the situation for a long moment and he was really beginning to wonder what sort of answer he would get. When the leader did finally explain his options Ulric had to admit they were not the options he had been expecting, but they seemed exceedingly fair. In a way it reminded him of the fact that one day, if he was successful in building his pack as he so desperately wanted to do, then he would have to make these kinds of tough choices himself at some point. It made him wish that he had been given more time to learn from the Warlord and gain information that could potentially make him a better leader in the future. He certainly couldn't use his father as an example to live by and his grandfather's pack had been gone before he was able to see it in its full glory.

He considered the two options for a moment, carefully weighing them against each other. On the one hand, he could challenge for his freedom and not have to be concerned with possibly owing Sirius something in the future, but he highly doubted his ability to win. If Azure had been any sort of indication of the level of training that happened within the Armada then he was certain that Sirius would be incredibly difficult to fight - especially since he hadn't yet finished he armor and weapons he was planning to make. On the other hand, he felt fairly comfortable with helping Sirius with something in the future since he had promised that whatever it was wouldn't go against his family, but with his plans to build a pack there was a possibility that it could pull his future pack into his deal. His ears flicked indecisively, but he knew what he had to do.

"I understand..." he replied with a nod. "I will promise you a favor in the future." While he still had some hesitation with making the deal, it was only fair to give something in return after failing his duty to the pack. In a way he hoped that this meant the two of them could continue to work together in the future - wherever it was that the future took him. "Thank you for being understanding and fair. Whenever you decide to collect on my debt, you'll know where to find me." He finally let a smile pull across his lips. It would be better this way. He would be able to focus on his family and his future wife and wouldn't have to worry that he was letting down his pack in the process.
