
New day, New life



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-21-2020, 08:06 PM

Naiche imagined the general was the type of wolf who easily made friends.  She kept a pleasant demeanor to her as she talked to a wolf who had only just joined the pack.  Her smile from a compliment instead of taking it in stride was the sort of thing to attract similar social wolves, or even those less social but needing an ear to talk too.  Of course, this wolf was only a general and they had only met a minute ago. Naiche wouldn’t make too many assumptions from such a few words.  

Naiche bobbed his head at her request, “I need to memorize the landscape anyway.  No time like the present to work at it.” How formal or informal to talk was a thing he still hadn’t fully determined.  Easier to sound less formal later if it wasn’t needed than to be informal in the beginning and lose respect for not showing proper etiquette.  Naiche moved after Tamsyn, keeping a pace equal to hers but a stride behind and to her left.  At her question though he took that as a sign he might as well walk next to her for the conversation.

It seemed a common topic to talk about, the past.  Naiche only wanted to focus on the future.  The wheat-coated wolf remained silent for a few strides as he decided to answer.  He had given a summarized version as he hadn’t expected the warlord to want his time wasted.  The topic also left that bitter sense in his gut.  “I was part of a band of wolves.  One of the alpha’s died in a bad group hunt, the other was injured along with another pack member.”

Naiche kept his eyes on the surroundings as he spoke, splitting up the focus on story and soaking in the surroundings.  No point in walking the territory if he wasn’t going to learn from it.  It was easier to talk of his past when his mind had other things to work on.  The scent of the beach, the sounds of the water and the ground giving to his weight as he walked. “The band broke up with different opinions of what to do.  After a time, I found myself alone.”  It left out a lot of details, but it was probably enough of an answer for her. “Anyway, Sirius met me in the willows and offered to let me join.  After being a loner for a while I had already decided it didn’t suit me.”

Certain moments in his mind still were too sharp and clear.  His mother’s death in the hunt.  Waking up to finding his grandfather had left.  The moment Naiche realized he was fully alone.  The pleasant memories before all of that were bitter in themselves for what was lost.  His sister’s mistake had cost him everything.  He would never forgive her, or himself should he ever be foolish.