
warm yourself by my fire


09-01-2013, 02:07 PM


Silverback's pet was quick enough to assure her that any sleeping issues she might have had were the norm. The cat let any worry shift to the back of her mind was she was given a new topic to think about - a question. What had she been up to? Silverback gave a hint of fang as she smiled, her tail sashaying around to coil like a serpent at her silver hip. "The unfolding of my plans," she murmured with great expectation. "Oh that is just what I've come here to tell you about." All of Silverback's plans had worked out so beautifully - better than she even could have imagined, but there was none to truly appreciate it. None except Canttina - the wolf who set the wheels turning and been there to actually encourage the cat. Was it any surprise then that Silverback was genuinely gratified to be able to come and describe to her the good news?

"But first-" said the leopard, "-I brought you something." There was a ripple of liquid silver and the cat disappeared. She navigated the ship much were quickly this time- even used a broken port-hole to slither out of. She returned in a half a minute, bearing something wooly and black in her jaws. Before Catina's paws she placed the remnants of a rare black mountain sheep. "I figured you could use a little meat on your bones, and then perhaps use the wool to liven your quarters?" She remembered how the wolf had told her she'd been decorating her part of the ship. Silverback didn't know what canines could consider art, but at the least the blue-black curls of wool would be a warm bedding to curl into on the cold nights. It was odd perhaps, but Silverback recieved a true pleasure in the hunting for her pets and the giving of a gift or two to them. Maybe it said something about her.

Cats could find entertainment in the pain of others, and Silverback had always been one to enjoy seeing other dance for her, but in the end, she preferred to see a creature wriggling helplessly in joy than in pain. It was more satisfying, more captivating, just plain more fun for her. She hoped that the mutt would be appreciative of the gift.
