
Starting fires wherever we go




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-22-2020, 07:13 PM

He smirked a little when she mentioned how different her old home had been to this one. In the time that he had spent away from Boreas with his mother he had come to realize this as well. He never actually learned the name of the place where they had resided since they mostly kept to themselves and never bothered to ask, but it didn't seem to matter where they went - it never quite had the same feel or progression that seemed to happen in Boreas. He wasn't familiar with Mort when she spoke of him, but he had to assume it was another of Sirius' sons since it sounded like the Warlord hadn't been far from him. Eventually he would learn more of their names as time went on, but he didn't hold himself to too high of a standard yet since he had just joined moments ago.

When she pointed the attention to the injury on his shoulder and asked how they came to be, Ulric gave the wound a brief glance and replied, "When I requested to join the pack, Sirius left the decision of how they would test me to Azure. Azure challenged me to a spar to see if I had the skill that I said I did." He looked back up at Sedna with a small shrug. "I won, but the bone spurs on Azure's elbow caught me during the fight and left this behind. It seemed to impress Sirius at least since he agreed to let me join and made me a warrior. Small price to pay, I suppose." He knew that fights usually led to injuries in one way or another and he wasn't going to shy away from fights to prevent them. Once you start collecting a few scars here and there adding one stopped feeling like such a big deal. That didn't mean he would just throw himself head first into every fight and risk his life doing it by any means, but something like this that would heal up in a short time hardly phased him any more.
