
New day, New life


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-22-2020, 09:49 PM

At this point she had done this patrol enough times that she really didn't have to pay much attention to the path in front of her. She still kept an eye out for any possible threats, changes, or scents that she didn't know, but as far as actually walking the well worn path - that part didn't take much thought. Because of that she was able to give Naiche a large portion of her attention. This was especially true since this edge of the Armada's territory that led out into the ocean pretty much never had anything of interest going on. She listened to his story about the fairly tragic demise of the band he had once been a part of. She could tell there was a lot that he brushed over and avoided telling the details of, but she didn't mind. She often did the same when it came to her own history before she came to the Armada.

"Well, I'm glad you ended up here," she replied after a moment of quiet consideration, giving him another glance and a small smile. She looked down the shore again, her expression thoughtful as she looked over the sands that stretched out in front of them and the slight curve of the land that guided them back toward the Tall Grass Plains. "The Armada has a habit of attracting wolves when they need it most. I'm not sure how, but it does. I'm grateful though... Deciding to stay was a gut decision on my part and it ended up turning my life around." That was the understatement of the year, but she didn't feel like she should be dumping her life story onto this young man. That was good enough to get the point across and it allowed her to transition away from the more somber topics.

"What are your ambitions here?" she asked with a smile, giving him another interested look, this time with a bit more excitement. "Are you hoping to be a warrior? Or do you have another skill to use for the pack?" Of course she'd be thrilled if she found out she had another warrior to help train, but she also knew not every single member was going to fall in love with fighting the way she had. Some needed to he healers like Meadow and perhaps some others would want to focus on something a bit more intellectual or hunt driven. It didn't really matter to her since Sirius still required everyone to at least have some knowledge of fighting to protect themselves, but she liked to know who really had a passion for it.

"Talk" Think