
Must have been the wind




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-22-2020, 10:54 PM

He noticed the hesitation on Farrah's features and the way she began to step back away from them once his mother began to greet Farrah directly. It made his ears flick with worry. He hadn't wanted to move too fast too soon for her, but since she hadn't given him any negative sort of response before hand he had assumed she had agreed to the meeting. He was about to stop her when she seemed to stop herself. He watched the small wolf come to his side as if she was hiding behind his much larger frame. He smiled a little when she peeked around him at Roza and was just happy that she hadn't gone running. He still wasn't sure what had made him so immediately attached to the quiet, sporadic young woman, but he couldn't deny that he was. It was a protective, fathering sort of attachment - a completely different feeling than the one he had for Azariah. It was much more similar to how he felt for his nieces if he had to find a similarity for it.

He settled onto his haunches as well, giving her an encouraging smile before looking back to his mother. "Have you seen Meme and Nausicaa since this morning?" he asked curiously. He was partially wondering if his nieces would appear during their little meet and greet, but he also was hoping that getting the attention away from Farrah for a moment might let her relax a bit. He hoped that maybe it would give her the moment she needed to orient herself and decide for herself that his mother wasn't a threat. He also just wanted to make sure that his nieces wouldn't come running up with their boundless energy and scare Farrah off either. They were a lot on their own at times even for him and he had lived with them long enough to get used to their energy.
