
Just a little time for a snack




3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
08-23-2020, 10:21 AM
Though she didn't know everything about how the gods worked, but she knew nothing like this would be free. At minimum she would have to give something for this fortune teller's time, and at least for her something as small as a prey animal didn't seem like a terribly large sacrifice. The large the better, he explained. Thoughtfully she hummed as she considered the easiest option. If given time she could take down a prey animal considerably larger but she didn't trust that Koby would stick around forever in her absence - he had little reason to. "Give me a bit, and I shall return," she promised with him a faint grin. He went on to ask, before she left, if she spoke any other languages. She shook her head. "Unfortunately no. This is all I have." Hopefully it would do even if communication wasn't the easiest between them, it would have to do.

With that, EyrĂșn veered away from him in search of a prey animal that would be suitable. Due to their proximity to the river she had a feeling prey might not be terribly hard to find, but after a decent walk away - Koby was no out of sight - she smelled no hint of anything that could be considered prey by any means. Except... she trekked toward the river and gazed into the gentle stream, wondering if a fish would do. He hadn't specified, just said that it would be easier to read something larger. She pondered for a moment before climbing down the riverbank and angling herself to get a good look at the water, waiting patiently for a bigger fish to float by. Most were small, hardly considered fish at all, but finally she caught sight of something larger - and with a flash she dove and snagged it between her jaws, emerging soaked and victorious as she begun her trek back to Koby. The fish writhed in her mouth for a moment but quickly stilled, and by the time she returned to him it was no longer moving, and triumphantly she dropped it near him.