
Remember How It Was



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-23-2020, 10:29 PM
Dunkan soon joined her as she lay upon the little hill of raised earth. He answered her question by explaining that he needed to clear his mind of certain things. Those things soon came to light as he spoke of the raid and of his defeat. He called her 'Miss Resin' once more and she cast him a sidelong glance. "Just Resin, please." She was too old to be a Miss anything. Then she spoke in regards to his loss. "We all suffer losses at some point. It's what we do after that makes us. Will you let those losses define you or will you strive to be better?" The maned woman gave her thick skull a shake. "Learn from those losses. Take what experience you gained and use it to further yourself. Make yourself better and next time you may not lose."

The boy asked what she was thinking about and Resin simply stared down into the dark, moss covered waters of the swamp. "Thinking about leaving the Armada." Would that shock him? "Thinking that it's about time to start my own pack again. Things are getting cramped on Armada lands, so if I start my own pack and take a few members with me, there will be more room for growth here as well as growth wherever I lay down roots." There was much that she would need though. Warriors to defend while the pack was new. Healers to assist in the idea that she hoped to craft. Builders to shape her vision. Travelers to spread the word. If she decided to take this fork in the path, there was a lot of work ahead.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]