
when a stranger calls


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-24-2020, 04:41 PM

Hanako wasn't left waiting long. The wolf that appeared was not much taller than her and brown, with a smattering of darker splodges as though someone had thrown mud at him. He was wearing armour as if he was ready for bloodshed but Hanako hoped it wouldn't come to that, if she played her cards right they'd welcome her into their lands with open arms. Hanako wagged her tail in a casual greeting but dipped her head a little just to be polite, playing it safe just in case. By posture alone she could tell that he was confident and poised but there was no outward aggression or meanness to be found, even if she messed up she doubted he'd spit mean words or lunge for her throat. Though for the sake of the Armada and as it's representative she'd have to be careful nonetheless.

Hanako sniffed, seamlessly disguising it as though she had an itchy nose, and took in his scent. All sorts of smells clung to his coat but none of them were even remotely close to Malalia's scent but that didn't really mean anything just yet. For all she knew the wolves here had taken precautions, washed off the scent or confined her some ways away from the pack lands. He didn't seem to have any recent injuries either, none that she could smell or see anyway.

"Our Reaper, Malalia, has gone missing. I was told to head out and spread the word. See if anyone's seen her." Hanako explained, starting with the facts, though very carefully watching the man's face for a change in expression. And then her tone got softer, infused with emotion as her ears drooped a little. She'd never met Malaia but it was easy to put on a show of concern, even if only because she knew Sirius was worried for her so. "She just vanished without a trace and we're all really worried about her. So if you know anything, I'd really really owe you."

She felt it was a little too soon to mention Cairo, that in doing so it might seem as if the Armada wolves were suspicious of him. Not only would it likely put the Valhalla wolves on the defensive but it would likely worsen pack relations, might make it seem as though the Armada was throwing around baseless accusations as an excuse for another raid. But she hadn't forgotten, she'd get to it when the timing felt a little better.

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