
Saying Goodbye



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-01-2013, 02:59 PM

Erani chuckled at the surprised look on his face. ?Have you ever heard of the Nomads? I don?t think it?s likely; so far as I know, they only travel Calarada. They had an Alliance with Redwood that every Spring, they would come to stay for a month, to learn defense maneuvers. A great deal of my lineage comes from them. They are a peaceful band of healers that never stay in one territory for long. My grandmother was said to be so experienced her mere touch would heal any wound, but I doubt that was true.? She winked gently, chuckling. ?She was a deep red color, and my mother said that when the sun hit her fur it was like a flame had come to life. I have their eyes. But my coloring of fur comes from my mother. In any case, you don?t want to try to attack the Nomads. They are efficient. They never kill, but they do disable.?

As her other words made the smile vanish, she noted the sad determination in those icy pools of his. She gently reached out, brushing her muzzle against his shoulder. A touch of reassurance. And as they sat and he answered her question in regard to his thoughts on Valhalla, she listened quietly. ?And we would have been glad to have you.? The words were sincere. She very much liked this fellow; he pulled at her maternal side, the side that wanted to mother him, and help him grow and dig his claws into the path his paws were taking. She wished she could have met his mother. ?What did your mother look like??