
Bitter News


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-24-2020, 06:14 PM

Tamsyn refused to believe that Malalia would just leave. Someone that worked so hard to earn such a high ranking position wouldn't just abandon her post - not to mention the fact that she had her adoptive father here worrying about her. Something had to have happened, she was convinced of it. She listened as Sirius laid out the plan for how they would search for her and put her in charge as the coordinator of their search party. She was a little surprised to have that responsibility put on her, but she did suppose that it freed Sirius so that he could do some of the searching himself. She was more than happy to take that responsibility if that would help give him any peace of mind.

She nodded in response and stood so she could look around at everyone who gathered.  "Natha and Sedna, I'd like for you to go north east - around the area near Abaven's lands. Mortis and Hanako, start in the lands closest to ours and then start moving west. Dunkan and Adralius, I would like you both to go north west toward Lirim and Fireside. Naiche, you can come with me and we'll go further south past Aerie and  onto Auster. Sirius will go toward the farthest part of the north. Don't actively engage any of the packs unless specifically instructed by Sirius or I. If you find her scent around any of their borders then come back here and find me. " She paused, making sure she hadn't missed anyone and to make sure she had at least most of Ardent covered with her spread of wolves. "Lets get the search started right away. If you have any questions let me know - if not then you can head out."

"Talk" Think