
No rock unturned

Naiche - search party


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-24-2020, 07:51 PM

They had started out from the Armada's lands and moved toward Arie's lands just as she had promised. They got as close to the other pack's lands as she had dared without putting them in a position that they would have been noticed near their borders, but no where that they searched smelled anything like Malalia's scent. She had partially suspected Arie for foul play given the fact that they had so recently bested them in a raid, but it seemed like she could almost certainly clear them of suspicion. That had driven them down toward the southern continent. As soon as she realized that Malalia's scent wasn't anywhere near the land bridge that would take them to Auster it almost drove Tamsyn to turn around and head back... but they had come this far so they might as well try. It was very possible that her scent just hadn't been able to linger for very long on the thin, sandy strip of land after all.

She was already beginning to feel a bit grim about their chances when they reached the waterfall that was perhaps a quarter of the way into Auster's land. She came to a stop at the top of the waterfall that flowed down through a cedar wood forest. She wished they had come here with a better, more pleasant reason since the scenery was actually quite lovely. "We'll keep going in a moment," she told the young man that she had chosen as her travel companion as she settled onto her haunches with a sigh. "I just want to get off my feet for a moment." They had covered quite a bit of distance in a short amount of time, but she knew they had move to cover before she could confidently tell Sirius that they hadn't been able to find Malalia here.

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