
Avalon babies for adoption [CLOSED]



3 Years

08-24-2020, 08:18 PM
watchful, little wolf
Design #7.

35", medium, light 
too dark to be considered white, too muddled to be concerned gray. his color rests in its ashy tone, fluffed and well tended to. his shoulders were broad, built in a way to take a punch. but the slender way his frame filled out suggested that he wouldn’t be the best to dish one out.
pointed ears with darkened tips always twitched into attention. curious to the sounds around him. a pointed face, gentle within its gaze, but fine and delicate. a clash of dark tones lining those very features, dancing across his sides and back. the floof of tail often dragging along behind him.
feminie in feature, was he pretty? pale green eyes staring back either riddled with curiosity and desperate for answers. or focused, plotting the next move. while he kept himself neat enough to not appear.. rough. he was fond of the little twigs that caught within his coat. the occasional smell of dead things he used during his latest task.
he is a large boy, with long legs and wide paws. stable, but his medium build made the promise of less taxing battles. far from a warriors build and desire, but capable enough to knock fleeing things down. such as a deer… or sibling.
as a pup, he almost seems fragile, light in his body weight and slender. his ears appearing a few sizes too large, often drooping when he was too lazy to listen. he is small only in this stage of life, slung out across objects with every means to conquer all the space.

chaotic good
curious. faolon will always desire an answer, even if none is being offered. even if he has yet to formed the question. he is an active child who readily wandered from home to appease his interests. often putting many things into his mouth without knowing if it could be labeled harmful, feeling that he won't know unless he tries.
surely, he would of given his mother a great cause of worry, his free spirited way of function will be hard to handle. he doesn't sit still for long, he doesn't care nor follow rules that are meant to bind him. he is not disrespectful, understanding the laws and the means to follow them. the proper way to treat another and to help those in need, he was no fool. his mother raised him well.. he just, he simply cannot stay on track. someone else was always around the corner, something else was always more entertaining.
he is independent, but at times off-putting. the stream of his own thoughts come before others. he cares deeply for his siblings, wishing them all the best and will prove helpful in many settings. and be the worst, in other settings. he will seek for a way to solve the problem, even if the bickering parties don't want it to be fixed.
it will never be strange for him to simply wander away, missing parts of conversations. he will wound hearts this way, but do his best to soothe them. assigning him tasks will often leave them unfinished, making it hard to rely on him for anything of great importance.

where has he been?:
truthfully, he simply wandered off. being a curious boy, he crept through the lands his mother wished him to remain in. but rebellion would take a stir within him, disappearing past the line of safety to discover more things out into the world. that and, a bunny. a dark bunny who stood at the distance beyond his reach. one that came and went for a few days until he ventured after it. what did it do? where did it go? the first bundle of questions that he insisted on answers for.
with this, an attachment towards bunnies will form. he won't hunt them, will even become upset that someone else hunted them. and perhaps, he will gain an companion in the form of one.

scold him! - no seriously. while nothing in great detail, i imagine those around him offer him gently scolding for not paying attention. to not doing what was asked. heck, even when he reappears and explains it was because the bunny was interesting.. scold him!
he will travel down the path of intellect, seeking to be helpful in the ways he can. he will crave knowledge, hopefully becoming a collector of secrets. he will seek to be useful this way, to anyone. though it may not always benefit him to have the answers someone else wants.
he will also settle into hunting. he will pick up the skills of hunting as a way to mend things, bring food as presents. or food to let others rest, when he can't do much else.
i have the desire for him to be a singer, mostly in private until discovered. he will come upon this hobby while lingering beneath chattering birds. wanting to chat with them to, understand them to.

blind in her left eye. words rarely spoken. yet a voice within her head.

[ f a r r a h ]
a maybe baby