
C'mon Baby Light My Fire



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-24-2020, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2020, 09:34 PM by Ulric.)

He chuckled softly and grinned at the compliment that Skælingr gave him, waving it off with a bashful shake of his head. "Well, I had a good teacher," he replied, turning the compliment back onto the cream-hued man. He watched the fire begin to build and he smiled as the warmth of it started to radiate outward. This would be super helpful to know once the cooler months came back around. He could also imagine it would be super helpful for a ton of other crafting applications as well. Of all the accidental meetings he's had in his wanderings this was perhaps one of the most productive and informative.

When Skælingr spoke again it pulled Ulric's gaze away from the fire and he turned to see the man now working with clay. He certainly was crafty - that was for certain. He nodded in response to his question, a small frown pulling at his lips. "Yes, the volcano north of here erupted a while ago. It was only shortly before I left Boreas with my mother so I don't know a lot about the aftermath of that, but I do know it was really devastating for anyone that lived near the base of it. I heard that the ash that spread afterward even effected areas that were well outside of the scope of the volcano itself." He certainly wasn't the best authority on the subject, but even he could look at the areas closest to the volcano and know that they had significantly changed from how he remembered them being when he was younger.

When Ragna offered him some tea he looked toward her with interest. "I've never had tea before, but I'd certainly like to try!" He stood so he could shift a bit closer, looking at the bowl that now held the flowers she had unpacked from their belongings. They weren't like any he had seen before, but that also wasn't saying a lot. He knew very little about herbs and plants so they all seemed pretty new to him. "Would you mind if I watched to see how you made it? Maybe I can make some for my mother when I get back home." It seemed like the kind of thing his mom would appreciate at the very least.
