
I See You


5 Years
Athena I
09-05-2013, 08:50 PM

It was so, so hard to remind herself that Gael was as young as he was in moments like these. Her ears were turned forward at attention to catch her man's husky whisper, blinking with a mix of surprise and pleasure as he lightly nibbled up her neck to her ear. He had never acted this way before, and it caught Meili by surprise, making her breath catch and her skin tingle. Even though she really hadn't had much more experience with this sort of thing than her man had, she knew enough that she could easily spot the new way he acted with her. He was almost two, she reminded herself. Before long he would truly be her man, not a yearling. Maybe that would explain the sudden shift in his behavior. She couldn't complain though, not when he took her breath away with the husky tone of his voice and the light touch of his teeth against her skin.

Their dinner completely forgotten, Meili brushed the side of her muzzle up along the side of his neck and she tenderly licked at his chin, a soft, pleased rumble sounding in her chest. Putting the world and all of the issues in the way of their relationship out of her mind, she thought only about Gael and this moment with him right now. She leaned into his touch, her fur mingling with his. Her tail came over to lay over and entwine with his and the forepaw closes to his brushed against his. She didn't think about their age, she only thought of him and how much she cared for him... no, not just cared for. Loved. She finally admitted it to herself as she gave gentle, tender kisses to his muzzle and cheek. She loved her big man. Her heart pounded in her chest and she wondered in the back of her mind if he felt the same... or if she had only captured his young, unknowing affections.
