
Care to spin a yarn?


Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
08-24-2020, 09:34 PM

He didn’t miss his cousin’s shock, but he waited until they’d positioned the buck’s body just right before releasing the leg and grinning up at the man, adding jokingly, “Don’t worry, I don’t get my jollies by decapitating animals. It just makes it easier to transport it without his antlers dragging and hanging up on things.”

His tongue poked out in a playful raspberry grin, minus the rude noise, before he winked lightly and turned back to the deer, nodding. “Right! So, you start with a slit in the belly, starting from the middle of the neck to the tail.”

He demonstrated with the claws, but also with his teeth, as he wasn’t sure if Ulric would ever invest in a pair of bracers like his own. He supposed he could make him some. His eyes flicked briefly to his cousin’s big paws, sizing them up and filing away the information.

“When you’re going over the belly, if you’re using bracers like mine, reverse your paw, or wear them backward on your paw so the rounded side of the claws touch the stomach lining. That way you don’t run the risk of tearing open the stomach and spoiling the meat.”
He worked the belly open, using his other paw to push the bloating belly down as he made the cuts. Then he added, “For getting the innards out, you cut around the anus – as gross as that sounds – so that it pulls through the body cavity when the stomach and innards are rolled out. You cut the esophagus so that it will pull free as well. I’ve heard that some Nomads will pack the empty body cavity with snow up in the north lands. Helps it keep if they can’t get around to processing the kill right then and there.”

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