
Baby steps




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
08-24-2020, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 10:46 PM by Allegro.)

He found a nice sized leaf and used it to wrap up the pine pitch that he had made with Skælingr. It wasn't going to stay as nicely as the piece of leather that the other man had used to wrap his, but it would at least keep it from getting dirt stuck to the sticky substance. He stuck the clean end of the sick in the dirt that made up the floor of his den the same way he had let the stuff dry and looked at it with a smirk. He'd definitely have to find a use for that very soon. The wheels in his head were already turning and he was pretty excited about the possibilities.

Allegro slipped out of his den and walked down to the river that snaked its way through the plains a short distance from his den so he could get a drink. The trip back from the thicket had felt longer than the trip there with a stick stuck in his mouth the whole way - especially since he had to try and not get the adhesive covered end stuck to anything in the process. After lapping up several long drinks of water he lifted his head with a content sigh. He couldn't say that he had really socialized much since returning to Abaven - at least not yet - but he was settling in and he was happy about that. It almost felt strange to be in a normal routine again.

He turned and began to walk more toward the middle of the Serpent Plains. He wasn't sure who he was hoping to see yet, but today seemed like as good a day as any to get back into being with other wolves again.
