
Two worlds collide

Introduce the family



5 Years

08-25-2020, 01:57 AM

The days had dragged on, even a couple of days was hard to handle. Azariah had tried to pass the time, studying the plants of the mangrove and plucking the ones she thought could be helpful, but still seconds felt like hours. Tinkling excitment caught her attention first - the excited chatter of fae folk sounded almost like tiny wind chimes - then his scent greeted her nose, and his familiar form slipped up beside her own, causing an excited shiver to roll over her body. "Here I am, handsome." She laughed softly and gave him a kiss. The woman returned his affections, giving him a lick against his own cheek. She burrowed into his neck and inhaled him, finding the scent of others, and her excitement grew ten-fold. By the time he told her he had someone for her to meet, she was practically dancing on her toes. She had only met Meme a short time ago, but she liked the girl, and was more excited (and anxious) to meet the other members of Ulric's family.

Nerves threatened to creep up, but she swallowed against them, more than ready to meet his family. It had been all she thought about since he left with Meme. As Ulric introduced his niece and mother, Azariah dipped her head and smiled warmly. "It is so good to meet you!" She gave a wave of her tail, hoping they felt the same. "I hope the journey was not too much. I have been gathering herbs for any lingering soreness from the trip. Well, the ones I know here, anyway. I have had them steeping in water, so it should be ready if it is needed." Her smile only grew as she gave her offer, perhaps they would take it perhaps not. It was entirely up to them, tonics rarely were appetizing. She did find this one to be rather appealing, valerian root was a good seasoning. Meadowsweet and white willow were flavorful if a little earthy thanks to the bark. It was all very helpful for fatigue and relaxing road weary muscles. She wanted her first meeting with his family to go well, but she also understood how much travel could take out of a wolf.

Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

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